Peer-Reviewed Workshop Papers
J. Grubert, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, Per-Ola Kristensson
Back to the Future: Revisiting Mouse and Keyboard Interaction for HMD-based Immersive Analytics CHI2020 workshop Immersive Analytics: Envisioning Future Productivity for Immersive Analytics (IA2020), Mar 2020.
M. Mott, E. Cutrell, M. Gonzalez Franco, C. Holz, E. Ofek and M. Ringel Morris
Accessible by Design: An Opportunity for Virtual Reality ISMAR 2019 Workshop on Mixed Reality and Accessibility | Oct 2019
M. Pahud, E. Ofek, N. H. Riche, M. C. Hurter (ENAC) and J. Grubert (Coburg)
Mobiles as Portals for Interaction with Virtual Data Visualizations. Data Visualization on Mobile Devices Workshop 2018
C. Hurter, N. H. Riche, M. Pahud, E. Ofek, S. Drucker, B. Lee, D. Brown, C. Wong
Into the mixed reality data sphere: mapping user’s movements to data exploration tools #Immersive2017 at IEEE VIS, Oct. 2017, Phoenix.
Books & Book Chapters
B. Ens, E. Ofek, N. Bruce, and P. Irani. 2016.
Shared Façades: Surface-embedded layout management for ad-hoc collaboration using head-worn displays.
Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (CMISS) – Theory and Practice.
C. Anslow, P. Campos, J. Jorge, (Eds). Springer, 2016
V. Biener, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, P.O. Kristensson, J. Grubert:
Extended Reality for Knowledge Work in Everyday Environments.
Everyday Virtual and Augmented Reality 2023: 21-56, Human-Computer Interaction Series, Springer 2023,
ISBN 978-3-031-05804-2
I. F. Cruz, D. Agrawal, C.S. Jensen, E. Ofek, E. Tanin:
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,
ACM-GIS 2011, November 1-4, 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, Proceedings. ACM 2011, ISBN 978-1-4503-1031-4
Peer-Reviewed Demos
M. Sinclair, E. Ofek, M. Gonzalez-Franco, C. Holz. Demonstration of CapstanCrunch: A Haptic VR Controller with User-supplied Force Feedback, UIST 2019
Best Demo: Honorable Mention
J. Lee, M. Sinclair, M. Gonzalez-Franco, E. Ofek, C. Holz. Demonstration of TORC: A Virtual Reality Controller for In-Hand High-Dexterity Finger Interaction, UIST 2019: DOI: 10.1145/3332167.3356898
Kevin Huang, E. Ofek & R. Gilad-Bachrach, Measuring Sway with Markerless Depth Camera, MSR-TR-2019-22 | September 2019. Microsoft.
Y. Zhao (CornellTech), E. Cutrell, C. Holz, M. Rongel-Morris, E. Ofek & A. Wilson. Demonstration of SeeingVR: A Set of Tools to Make Virtual Reality More Accessible to People with Low Vision CHI, CHI Extended Abstracts 2019 DOI:10.1145/3290607.3313263
J. Herskovitz, E. Ofek, W.S. Lasecki, A. Fourney, Opportunities for In-Home Augmented Reality Guidance
Late Breaking – CHI 2019 DOI:10.1145/3290607.3312933
E. Whitmire, H. Benko, C. Holz, E. Ofek, M. Sinclair, Demonstration of Haptic Revolver: Touch, Shear, Texture, and Shape Rendering on a Reconfigurable Virtual Reality Controller, CHI Extended Abstracts 2018. DOI: 10.1145/3170427.3186515
Additional Demo at IEEE VR, 2018
I. Choi (Stanford), E. Ofek, H. Benko, M. Sinclair, and C.Holz, Demonstration of CLAW: A Multifunctional Handheld Haptic Controller for Grasping, Touching, and Triggering in Virtual Reality, CHI Extended Abstracts 2018. DOI: 0.1145/3170427.3186505
Additional Demo at IEEE VR, 2018
E. Strasnick, C. Holz, E. Ofek, M. Sinclair, H. Benko, Demonstration of Haptic Links: Bimanual Haptics for Virtual Reality Using Variable Stiffness Actuation, CHI Extended Abstracts 2018. DOI: 10.1145/3170427.3186541
Additional Demo at IEEE VR, 2018
Mahdi Azmandian, Mark Hancock, Hrvoje Benko, Eyal Ofek, Andrew D. Wilson: A Demonstration of Haptic Retargeting: Dynamic Repurposing of Passive Haptics for Enhanced Virtual Reality Experience.
CHI EA ’16: Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing SystemsMay 2016, pp 3647–3650, DOI:10.1145/2851581.2890265
ISS ’16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces November 2016
Pages 501–504, DOI:10.1145/2992154.2996883
Jones, B., Benko, H., Ofek, E., and Wilson, A. D., IllumiRoom: Peripheral Projected Illusions for Interactive Experiences. SIGGRAPH 2013 Emerging Technologies. Anaheim, CA. DOI:10.1145/2503368.2503375
Best Demo