in MR

Peer-reviewed Journals Publications

Pacchierotti, C., Chinello, F., Koumaditis, K., Di Luca, M., Ofek, E., and Georgiou, O.
Haptics in the Metaverse: Haptic feedback for Virtual, Augmented, Mixed, and eXtended Realities.
Eds. of Special Issue of the IEEE Transaction on Haptics.

V. Biener; S. Kalamkar; N. Nouri; E. Ofek; M. Pahud; J. J. Dudley; Jinghui Hu; P.O. Kristensson; M. Weerasinghe; K.C. Pucihar et al.
Quantifying the Effects of Working in VR for One Week, IEEE TVCG and ISMAR 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3203103

A. Maselli, E. Ofek, B. Cohn, K. Henkley, and M. Gonzalez-Franco,
Enhanced efficiency in visually guided online motor control for actions redirected towards the body midline, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Vol. 378 Issue 1869. DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2021.0453

V. Biener, T. Gesslein, D. Schneider, F. Kawala, A. Otte, P.O. Kristensson, M. Pahud, E. Ofek, C. Campos, M. Kljun, K.C. Pucihar and J. Grubert,
PoVRPoint: Authoring Presentations in Mobile Virtual Reality, Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) Vol.28, Issue: 5, May 2022, pp. 2069 – 2079. DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3150474 and in IEEE VR 2022

M. Yamagami, S. Junuzovic, M. Gonzalez-Franco, E. Ofek. E. Cutrell, J.R. Porter, A.D. Wilson and M.E. Mott,
Two-In-One: A Design Space for Mapping Unimanual Input into Bimanual Interactions in VR for Users with Limited Movement, Trans. on Accessible Computing, DOI: 10.1145/3510463

Ahuja, K., Ofek, E., Gonzalez-Franco, M. Holz, C. and A. Wilson,
CoolMoves: User Motion Accentuation in Virtual Reality, ACM IMWUT ’21, 1–23. DOI: 10.1145/3463499

Steed, A., Ofek, E., Sinclair, M. Gonzalez-Franco,
A mechatronic shape display based on auxetic materials. Nature Comm. 12, 4758 (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24974-0

V. Biener, D. Schneider, T. Gesslein, A. Otto, B. Kuth, P.O. Kristensson, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, and J. Grubert
Breaking the Screen: Interaction Across Touchscreen Boundaries in Virtual Reality for Mobile Knowledge Workers IEEE Transactions of Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 2020
arXiv, Video, ISMAR20 presentation, DOI, VentureBeat “Researchers brings Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel into VR“

M. Gonzalez Franco, E. Ofek, Y. Pan , A. Antley, A. Steed , B. Spanlang A. Maselli, D. Banakou, N. Pelechano, S. Orts-Escolano, V. Orvalho, L. Trutoiu, M. Wojcik, M. V. Sanchez-Vives, J. Bailenson, M. Slater and J. Lanier
Front. Virtual Real., 03 Nov. 2020, Sec. Technologies for VR, Vol. 1 – 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/frvir.2020.561558

M. Gonzalez-Franco, A. Steed, S. Hoogendyk and E. Ofek,
Using Facial Animation to Increase the Enfacement Illusion and Avatar Self-Identification. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 26(5): 2023-2029 (2020)

D. Schneider, A. Otte, T. Gesslein, P. Gagel, B. Kuth, M. S. Damlakhi, O. Dietz, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, P. O. Kristensson, J. Muller and J. Grubert
ReconViguRation: Reconfiguring Physical Keyboards in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ((TVCG), Vol. 25 Issue: 11, Nov. 2019)

J. Grubert (Coburg), E. Ofek, M. Pahud, P.O. Kristensson (Cambridge)
The Office of the Future: Virtual, Portable, and Global. IEEE Computer Graphics & Application, Nov/Dec 2018 DOI:10.1109/MCG.2018.2875609

C. C. Berger (CalTech), M. Goznalez-Franco, E. Eyal and K. Hinckley
The Uncanny Valley of Haptics. Science Robotics 18 Apr 2018: Vol. 3, Issue 17

T. Pajsa, H. Benko, A. D. Wilson & E. Ofek
Room2Room: Enabling Life-Size Telepresence in a Projected Augmented Reality Environment CSCW 2016
paper, Video, MIT Tech Review, ZDnet
Cited by more than 170 publications

B. R. Jones, H. Benko, E. Ofek, A. D. Wilson
IllumiRoom: Immersive Experiences Beyond the TV Screen. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 58 No. 6, June 2015
Video, Popular Science

C. S. Jensen, E. Ofek and E. Tanin.
Highlights from ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2011: the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems: (Chicago, Illinois – Nov. 2011).
SIGSPATIAL Special 4(1): 2-4 (2012)

R. Gal, Y. Wexler, E. Ofek, H. Hoppe, D. Cohen-Or,
Seamless Montage for Texturing Models Eurographics 2010 | May 2010, Vol 29(2)

H. Wang, H. Hoppe, Y. Wexler, and E. Ofek,
Factoring Repeated Content Within and Among Images. ACM SIGGRAPH 2008

J. Xiao, T. Fang, P. Tan, Z. Peng, E. Ofek & L. Quan,
Image Based Facade Modeling. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008
Paper Video
Cited by more than 200 publications.

Y. Matsushita, E. Ofek, X. Tang and H. Shum,
Full Frame Video Stabilization with Motion Inpainting. IEEE PAMI 2006
Paper, Video – dynamic scene | Video – Beach scene | Video – Video Completion
Cited by more than 650 publications.

Y. Wei, E. Ofek, L. Quan and H. Shum,
Modeling Hair from Multi Views. ACM SIGGRAPH (TOG) 2005
Paper Talk at SIGGRAPH Talk_Slides Video
Cited by more than 120 papers.

E. Ofek and A. Rappoport,
Interactive reflections on curved objects. ACM SIGGRAPH (TOG) 1998
Cited by more than 130 papers

E. Ofek, E. Shilat, A. Rappoport, M. Werman,
Multiresolution Textures from Image Sequences. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 17(2): 18-29 (1997)
Cited by ~100 papers

Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications

C.Y. Wang, E. Ofek, H. Kim, P. Panda, A. Won, M. Gonzalez-Franco
AvatarPilot: Decoupling one-to-one motions from their semantics with weighted interpolations
ISMAR 2024

C.Y. Wang, H. Kim, P. Panda, E. Ofek, M. Gonzalez-Franco and A Won
ISMAR 2024

Y. Lin, P. Zhang, E. Ofek, and S. Je
ArmDeformation: Inducing the Sensation of Arm Deformation in Virtual Reality Using Skin-Stretching
CHI 2024

M. J. Kim, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, M. Sinclair, and A. Bianchi.
Big or Small, It’s All in Your Head: Visuo-Haptic Illusion of Size-Change Using Finger-Repositioning
Best paper – Honorable mentioned, CHI 2024
paper, video

P. Panda, M.J. Nicholas, D. Nguyen, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, S. Rintel, M. Gonzalez-Franco, K. Hinckley, and J. Lanier
Beyond Audio: Toward a Design Space of Headphones as a Site for Interaction and Sensing.
Best Paper DIS 2023

R. Li (UW), T. Seyed, N. Marquardt, E. Ofek. S. Hodges, M. Sinclair, H. Romat, M. Pahud, J. Sharma, W.A.S. Buxton, K. Hinckley, and N. Riche
AdHocProx: Sensing Mobile, Ad-Hoc Collaborative Device Formations using Dual Ultra-Wideband Radios, CHI 2023, Hamburg, Germany

Y. Tao (Stanford), C.Y. Wang (Cornell), A.D. Wilson, E. Ofek, and M. Gonzalez-Franco
Embodying Physics-Aware Avatars in Virtual Reality, CHI 2023, Hamburg, Germany
Best paper: Honorable Mention

V. Ranganeni, M. Sinclair, E. Ofek, A. Miller, J. Campbell, A. Kolobov & E. Cutrell
Exploring Levels of Control for a Navigation Assistant for Blind Travelers, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’23), Stockholm, Sweden
Video, Paper, arXiv version, Gliadance.IO

C.Y. Wang, E. Ofek, D. McDuff, Oron Nir, S. Vemprala, A. Kapoor, M. Gonzalez-Franco
CityLifeSim: A High-Fidelity Pedestrian and Vehicle Simulation with Complex Behaviors, IEEE ICIR 2022
Video, Paper, Github code

J. Lee, R. Natarrajan, P. Panda, S. Rodriguez & E. Ofek
RemoteLab: Virtual Reality Remote Study ToolKit, UIST 2022, Article No.: 51, pp 1–9 DOI: 10.1145/3526113.3545679

P. Panda, M. Nicholas, M. Gonzalez-Franco, K. Inkpen, E. Ofek, R. Cutler, K. Hinckley and J. Lanier
All Together: Effect of Avatars in Mixed-Modality Conferencing Environments, CHIWORK 2022

M. Volonte, E. Ofek, K. Jakubzak, S. Bruner, and M. Gonzalez-Franco
HeadBox: A Facial Blendshape Animation Toolkit for the Microsoft Rocketbox Library, 2022 IEEE VR Workshop (VRW)

M. Gonzalez-Franco, E. Ofek, C. Holz, A. Steed, J. Lanier, B. Buxton, K. Hinckley & M. Sinclair
Taxonomy of Hand-Object Haptics for Virtual Reality, TechRxiv 2022

D. Schneider, V. Biener, A. Otte, M. Sinclair, T. Gesslein, P. Gagel, C. Campos, K.C. Pucihar, M. Kljun, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, P.O. Kristensson, and J. Grubert
Accuracy Evaluation of Touch Tasks in Commodity Virtual and Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays, SUI’ 21, Article No, 7, Pages 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1145/3485279.3485283

D. Jain (UW), S. Junuzovic, E. Ofek, M. Sinclair, J.R. Porter, C. Yoon, S. Machanavajhala and M. Ringel Morris
Towards Sound Accessibility in Virtual Reality, ACM ICMI 2021

D. Jain, S. Junuzovic, E. Ofek, M. Sinclair, J. R. Porter, C. Yoon, S. Machanavajhala, M. Ringel Morris.
A taxonomy of Sounds in Virtual Reality. DIS 2021 DOI: 10.1145/3461778.3462106
Best Paper

Suzuki R., Ofek, E., M. Sinclair, M., Leithinger, D. and Gonzalez-Franco, M.
HapticBots: Distributed Encountered-type Haptics for VR with Multiple Shape-changing Mobile Robots, UIST 2021 DOI: 10.1145/3472749.3474821

Gonzalez E.J., Ofek, E. Gonzalez-Franco M. and M. Sinclair
X-Rings: A Hand-mounted 360 Degree Shape Display for Grasping in Virtual Reality, UIST 2021 DOI: 10.1145/3472749.3474782
Best Paper: Honorable mention

Marquant, N., Henry Riche, N., Holz, C. Romat, H., Pahud, M., Brudy, F., Ledo, D., Park, C., Nicholas, M.J., Seyed, T., Ofek, E., Lee, B., Buxton, W.A.S. and Hinkley, K.
AirConstellations: In-Air Device Formations for Cross-Device Interaction via Multiple Spatially-Aware Armatures, UIST 2021 DOI: 10.1145/3472749.3474820

M. Gonzalez-Franco, Z. Egan, M. Peachey, A. Antley(MS), T. Randhavane (MS), P. Panda (NC State U), Y. Zhang, D. F. Reilly (Dalhousie U), T. C Peck (Davidson College), A. Stevenson Won (Cornell), C. Y. Wang (Cornell), A. Steed (UCL) and E. Ofek, MoveBox: Democratizing MoCap for the Microsoft Rocketbox Avatar Library, AIVR 2020

B. Cohn, A. Maselli, E. Ofek, and M. Gonzalez-Franco, SnapMove: Movement Projection Mapping in Virtual Reality AIVR 2020

V. Biener, D. Schneider, T. Gesslein, A. Otte, B. Kuth,, P.O. Kristensson, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, and J. Grubert, Breaking the Screen: Interaction Across Touchscreen Boundaries in Virtual Reality for Mobile Knowledge Workers, ISMAR Nov 2020

T. Gesslein, V. Biener, P. Gagel, D. Schneider, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, P.O. Kristensson and J. Grubert, Pen-based Interaction with Spreadsheets in Mobile Virtual Reality ISMAR 2020
arXiv, Video, VentureBeat “Researchers bring Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel into VR.”

R. Kovacs, E. Ofek. M. Gonzalez-Franco, S. Marwecki, C. Holz, and M. Sinclair, Haptic PIVOT: On-Demand Handhelds in VR
UIST 2020
Paper, Video, UploadVR: “Microsoft’s ‘PIVOT’ Haptics Research Could Make Throwing A Ball In VR More Believable”, Gizmodo: “These Wrist-Worn Hammers Swing Into Your Hands So You Feel Virtual Objects”, Engadget: “Microsoft explores realistic VR haptics with a wrist-mounted gadget,” Yahoo: Microsoft explores realistic VR haptics with a wrist-mounted gadget.“

M. Gonzalez Franco, M. Sinclair, and E. Ofek, Asymmetry of Grasp in Haptic Perception. ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2020 (SAP ’20) | September 2020 DOI: 10.1145/3385955.3407934

E. Ofek, J. Grubert, M. Pahud, M, Phillips, and P.O. Kristensson, Towards a Practical Virtual Office for Mobile Knowledge Workers, Symposium on The New Future of Work 2020 (NFW’20)

M. Gonzalez Franco, B. Cohn, D. Burin, E. Ofek (MSR), and A. Maselli, The Self-Avatar Follower Effect in Virtual Reality, IEEE VR 2020

R. Gruen, E. Ofek, A. Steed, R. Gal, M. Sinclair & M. Gonzalez Franco, Measuring System Visual Latency through Cognitive Latency on Video See-Through AR devices. IEEE VR 2020
Best Paper: Honorable Mention

M. Gonzalez-Franco, A. Steed , S. Hoogendyk, and E. Ofek. Using Facial Animation to Increase the Enfacement Illusion and Avatar Self-Identification. IEEE VR 2020

D. Schneider, A. Otte , A. S. Kublin, P. O. Kristensson, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, A. Martschenko (Coburg) and J. Grubert
Accuracy of Commodity Finger Tracking Systems for Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays.
IEEE VR Poster 2020

A. F. Siu, M. Sinclair, R. Kovacs, C. Holz, E. Ofek & E. Cutrell., Virtual Reality Without Vision: A Haptic and Auditory White Cane to Navigate Complex Virtual Worlds.
CHI 2020 Honorable Mention paper
Paper, Video, Project, MSR Blog, CHI 2020 Talk – Alexa F. Sui
Scientific American: “Virtual Reality Has an Accessibility Problem”

S. Marwecki, A. Wilson, E. Ofek, M. Gonzalez Franco and C. Holz, Mise-Unseen: Using Eye Tracking to Hide Virtual Reality Scene Changes in Plain Sight. UIST 2019 DOI:10.1145/3332165.3347919
Paper, Video, Microsoft Research Blog, Upload: “Microsoft Researchers Explore Eye Tracking Uses For VR,” Engadget: “Microsoft’s latest VR experiment is a literal walk in the park.”

J. Yang, C. Holz, E. Ofek and A. Wilson, DreamWalker: Substituting Real-World Walking Experiences with a Virtual Reality. UIST 2019 DOI:10.1145/3332165.3347875
Paper, Video, Microsoft Research Blog, ArsTechnica: “Microsoft’s DreamWalker VR turns your daily commute into a totally different one,” RoadToVR: “Microsoft ‘DreamWalker’ Experiment Takes First Steps into Always-on World-scale VR,” Engadget: “Microsoft’s latest VR experiment is a literal walk in the park,” Gizmodo: “Microsoft’s Over-the-Top VR Rig Lets You Explore a Virtual World While Walking IRL,” MSN: “Microsoft DreamWalker project takes VR technology outdoors,” ZDnet: “Dream or nightmare? Microsoft’s VR swaps your real walking route for a virtual one,” DailyMail: “Microsoft reveals its DreamWalker VR rig that lets users explore a virtual world while walking around in real life.”

M. Sinclair, E. Ofek, M. Gonzalez-Franco, and C. Holz, CapstanCrunch: A Haptic VR Controller with User-supplied Force Feedback. UIST 2019 DOI:10.1145/3332165.3347891
Best Technical Demo: Honorable Mention
Paper, Video, Microsoft Research Blog, Engadget: “Microsoft’s latest VR experiment is a literal walk in the park,” Upload: “Microsoft Shows Off Force Resistance VR Grasping Feature Prototype,” WinBuzzer: “Microsoft Research Reveals CapstanCrunch VR Haptic Control Method”

Y. Zhao (Cornell Tech & MSR), E. Cutrell, C. Holz, M. Ringel Morris, E.Ofek and A. Wilson, SeeingVR: A Set of Tools to Make Virtual Reality More Accessible to People with Low Vision. CHI 2019. DOI: 10.1145/3290605.3300341
Paper, Video, Microsoft Research Blog, A Demo at Microsoft Research’s Faculty Summit 2019, Engadget: “Microsoft is making VR better for those with vision problems,” RoadToVR: “Microsoft Aims to Improve VR for Users with Vision Problems,” Scientific American: “Virtual Reality Has an Accessibility Problem”

J. Lee (Kaist & MSR), M. Sinclair, M. Gonzalez-Franko, E. Ofek and C. Holz, TORC: A Virtual Reality Controller for In-Hand High-Dexterity Finger Interaction. CHI 2019. DOI:10.1145/3290605.3300301
Paper, Video, Microsoft Research Blog, VentureBeat: “Microsoft’s TORC will let you feel squeezable objects in AR and VR,” UploadVR: “Microsoft Shows Off Haptic VR Controller, Simulates Grabbing With Thumb & Two Fingers.”

P. Abtahi (Stanford & MSR), M. Gonzalez-Franco, E. Ofek, A. Steed, I’m a Giant: Walking in Large Virtual Environments at High Speed Gains. CHI 2019. DOI:10.1145/3290605.3300752

J. Hartmann (Waterloo & MSR), C. Holz, E. Ofek, & A. D. Wilson, Reality Check: Blending Virtual Environments with Situated Physical Reality. CHI 2019. DOI:10.1145/3290605.3300577

L-P. Cheng (HPI), E. Ofek, C. Holz & A.D. Wilson, VRoamer: Generating On-The-Fly VR Experiences While Walking inside Large, Unknown Real-World Building Environments. IEEE VR 2019

C. Holz & E. Ofek, Doubling the Signal Quality of Smartphone Camera Pulse Oximetry Using the Display Screen As a Controllable Selective Light Source.. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’18) 2018

I. Choi (Stanford), E. Ofek, H. Benko, M. Sinclair, and C.Holz, CLAW: A Multifunctional Handheld Haptic Controller for Grasping, Touching, and Triggering in Virtual Reality. CHI 2018, DOI:10.1145/3173574.3174228
Paper, Video, Microsoft Research Blog, Engadget (“Microsoft’s mad scientists are making AR more tactile”), Co. Design (“Crazy Microsoft is the best Microsoft”), Gizmodo, Road To VR, VR Times: “The Best Haptic VR Devices and Innovations for the Real Feel in VR Environments.”
Cited by more than 200 publications

E. Strasnick (Stanford), C. Holz, E. Ofek, M. Sinclair and Hrvoje Benko, Haptic Links: Bimanual Haptics for Virtual Reality Using Variable Stiffness Actuation. CHI 2018 DOI:10.1145/3173574.3174218
Paper, Video, Microsoft Research Blog, Engadget (“Microsoft’s mad scientists are making AR more tactile”), Co. Design (“Crazy Microsoft is the best Microsoft”), Gizmodo, Road To VR, Slashgear, VRScout, VR Times: “The Best Haptic VR Devices and Innovations for the Real Feel in VR Environments.”

E. Whitmire (UW), H. Benko, C. Holz, E. Ofek, and Mike Sinclair, Haptic Revolver: Touch, Shear, Texture, and Shape Rendering on a Reconfigurable Virtual Reality Controller. CHI 2018
Best Paper: Honorable Mentioned
Paper, Video. Microsoft Research Blog, Engadget (“Microsoft’s mad scientists are making AR more tactile”), Co. Design (“Crazy Microsoft is the best Microsoft”), Gizmodo, Road To VR
Cited by more than 150 publications

J. Grubert, L. Witzani, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, M. Kraz and P.O. Kristensson, Effects of Hand Representations for Typing in Virtual Reality IEEE VR Mar. 2018

J. Grubert, L. Witzani, E. Ofek, M. Pahud, M. Kraz and P.O. Kristensson, Text Entry in Immersive Head-Mounted Display-based Virtual Reality using Standard Keyboards. IEEE VR Mar. 2018

L. P. Cheng (HPI) E. Ofek, C. Holz, H. Benko & A. D. Wilson, Sparse Haptic Proxy: Touch Feedback in Virtual Environment Using a General Passive Prop. CHI 2017
Cited by more than 170 publications

J. Grubert (Cuborg), E. Ofel, M. Pahud, GlassHands: Interaction Around Unmodified Mobile Devices Using Sunglasses. ACM ISS 2016
Paper, Video, msPowerUser (“Microsoft’s latest Human Interaction Research will blow your mind”) , CMWinBuzzer, IT News

H. Benko, C. Holz, M. Sinclair, E. Ofek, NormalTouch and TextureTouch: High-fidelity 3D Haptic Shape Rendering on Handheld Virtual Reality Controllers, UIST 2016
Honorable Mentioned paper,
Paper, Video, Wired UK, Digital Thrends, Road to VR, Makezine
Cited by more than 200 publications

B. Nuernberger, E. Ofek, H. Benko & A. D. Wilson, SnapToReality: Aligning Augmented Reality to the Real World. CHI 2016
Paper, Video

M. Azmandian, M. Hancock, H. Benko, E. Ofek, A. D Wilson, Haptic Retargeting: Dynamic Repurposing of Passive Haptics for Enhanced Virtual Reality Experiences. CHI 2016
CHI 2016 Golden Mouse Award – Best video
Paper, Video, Gamasutra, TechSpot, Wearable
Cited by more than 350 publications.

S. Korman, S. Avidan & E. Ofek, Peeking Template Matching for Depth Extension. ICCV 2015

H. Benko, E. Ofek, Feng Zheng & A. D. Wilson, FoveAR: Combining an Optically See-Through Near-Eye Display with Projector-Based Spatial Augmented Reality, UIST 2015

B. Ens, E. Ofek, N. Bruce & P. Irani, Spatial Constancy of Surface-Embedded Layouts across Multiple Environments, The ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI) 2015

J. Wilk, D. Molnar, E. Ofek, C. Rossbach, B. Livshits, A. Moshchuk, H.J.Wang & R. Gal, SurroundWeb: Mitigating Privacy Concerns in a 3D Web Browser. IEEE Security & Privacy 2015
Paper, Video, Tech Report, Selected media coverage: BBC (TV coverage), Gizmodo, PCWorld, The Telegraph, SlashGear, Daily Mail

T. Nguyen, M. Thaoduyen, S.Iqbal & E. Ofek, The Known Stranger: Supporting Conversations between Strangers with Personalized Topic Suggestion, CHI 2015

B.Jones, R. Shdhi, M. Murdock, R. Mehra, H. Benko, A. Wilson, E.Ofek, B. MacIntyre, N. Raghuvanshi & L. Shapira ,
RoomAlive: Magical Experiences Enabled by Scalable, Adaptive Projector-Camera Units. UIST 2014
Paper, Video, RoomAlive: The Other Resident Video Selected Media Coverage: Co.Design, The Washington Post, CNET, Engadget, BBC, PCmag, The Gradian, IGN
Cited by more than 350 publications.

R. Gal, L. Shapira, E. Ofek, & P. Kohli, FLARE: Fast Layout for Augmented Reality Applications. IEEE ISMAR 2014

S. Jana, D. Molnar, A. Moshchuk, A. Dunn, B. Livshits, H. J. Wang, & E. Ofek, Enabling Fine-Grained Permissions for Augmented Reality Applications With Recognizers. 22nd Usenix Security Symposium 2013

Y. Eshet, S. Korman, E. Ofek & S. Avidan, DCSH – Matching Patches in RGBD Images. IEEE ICCV 2013

L. D’Antoni, A. Dunn, S. Jana, T. Kohno, B. Livshits, D. Molnar, A. Moshchuk, E. Ofek, F. Roesner, S. Saponas, M. Veanes & H. J. Wang, Operating System Support For Augmented Reality Applications, Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XIV), 2013, New Mexcio, USA

E. Ofek, K. Strauss & S.T. Iqbal, Reducing Disruption from Subtle Information Delivery during a Conversation: Mode and Bandwidth Investigation. CHI 2013.

M. Kroepfl, Y. Wexler & E. Ofek, Efficiently Locating Photographs in Many Panoramas. ACM SIGSPATIAL 2010
TED talk by Blaise Aguera y Arcas | Geek in Disguise | Search Engine Land | Tech Flash | Bing Blog | Flickr

B. Zhang, Q. Li, H. Chao, B. Chen, E. Ofek & Y.Q. Xu, Annotating and Navigating Tourist Videos.ACM SIGSPATIAL 2010

B. Epshtein, Y. Wexler & E. Ofek, Detecting Text in Natural Scenes with Stroke Width Transform. IEEE CVPR 2010 (Top 10%)
Video of the CVPR talk ( Cited by more than 2000 publications)
implementation in OpenCV.

R. Gal, Y. Wexler, H. Hoppe, E. Ofek & D. Cohen-Or, Seamless Montage for Texturing Models. , Eurographics 2010
Paper Supplemental Materials Optimization Animation
Cited by more than 150 publications

N. Villar, S. Izadi, H. Benko, J. Helmes, D. Rosenfeld,E. Ofek, J. Westhues, A. Butler, X. Cao, B. Chen & S. Hodges Mouse 2.0: Multi-Touch Meets the Mouse.
UIST 2009 Best Paper

B. Chen, B. Neubert, E. Ofek, O. Deussen & M. F. Cohen, Integrated Videos and Maps for Driving Directions., UIST 2009

T. Yamaguchi, B. Wilburn , Z. Cao & E. Ofek, Video-based modeling of dynamic hair. Pacific-Rim Symp. on Image & Video Technology 2009, Tokyo, Japan

P. Mishra, E. Ofek & G. Kimchi, Validation of Vector Data using Oblique Images, ACM SIGGIS 2008, CA USA

B. Epshtein, E. Ofek, Y. Wexler and P. Zhang, Hierarchical photo organization using geo-relevance. ACM SIGGIS 2007

N.Li, N. Moraveji, H. Kimura and E. Ofek, Improving the Experience of Controlling Avatars in Camera-Based Games Using Physical Input. ACM Multimedia, Santa Barbara, CA 2006
Paper, Videos – Whack-a-mole, Boxing (RT, using 2D camera).

H. Jiang, E. Ofek, N. Moraveji and S. Yuanchun, Direct Pointer: Direct Manipulation for Large Display Interaction using Handheld Cameras. ACM CHI 2006

Y. Matsushita, E. Ofek, X. Tang and H. Shum, Video Completion with Motion Inpainting for Video Stabilization. IEEE CVPR 2005 (Oral)
Paper (Cited by more than 190 publications).

B. Chen (Stanford), E. Ofek, H. Shum and M. Levoy, Interactive Deformation of Light Fields. ACM SIGGRAPH I3D 2005

X. Cao, E. Ofek, and D. Vronay, Evaluation of Alternative Presentation Control Techniques, ACM CHI 2005

C. Fehn, P. Kauff, M. Op de Beeck, F. Ernst, W. IJsselsteijn, M. Pollefeys, L. Van Gool, E. Ofek and I. Sexton, An Evolutionary And Optimized Approach On 3D-TV. Proc. of IBC, Sep. 2002. Vol 2. pp. 357-365
Cited by more than 220 publications.

A. Redert, M. Op de Beeck, C. Fehn, W. IJsselsteijn, M. Pollefeys, L. J. Van Gool, E. Ofek, I. Sexton & P. Surman, ATTEST: Advanced Three-dimensional Television System Technologies. 3DPVT 2002
Cited by ~300 publications.